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Publications— Khuff Bibliography
Khuff, Dalan, and Chia Zairi Formations Forum
  1. Al-Eid, Ghazi, 2002?, Influence of diagenesis on the Khuff C carbonate reservoir, Thesis
  2. Al-Jallal, I., 1987, Diagenetic Effects on Reservoir Properties of the Permian Khuff Formation in Eastern Saudi Arabia: SPE 6th Middle East Oil Show, p. 465-476.
  3. Al-Jallal, I., 1996, The Development of Improved Reservoir Facies Beneath Dolomitizing Tidal Channels/Embayments: A Useful Tool for Reservoir Prediction in the Khuff Formation: GeoArabia, v. 1, p. 106.
  4. Bush, P.R., and Shearman, D.J., 1980b, Brecciated microdolomite rocks in the Permian Khuff Formation, south of Wadi ad Dawasir: Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, Open-File Report no. CRC/IC 10, 10 p., 4 fig.
  5. Bush, P.R., and Shearman, D.J., 1981, Evidence for the former presence of evaporites in the Khuff Formation, Al Quwayiyah-Ar Rayn region: Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, Open-File Report CRC/IC 17, 18 p., 13 fig., 4 pl.
  6. Dixon, C.J., and Davies, R.G., 1981b, Observation on the Khuff Formation and its mineral potential south of latitude 24°N.: Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, Open-File Report CRC/IC 19, 20 p., 5 fig., 5 pl.
  7. Kamal, R., 2000, Ooid Diagenesis in the Khuff Formation as Indicators of Reservoir Development (Abstract): GeoArabia, v. 5, p. 119-120.
  8. Kershaw, S., L. Guo, and J. Fan, 1998, A Carbonate Crust in the Permian-Triassic Boundary Interval in Sichuan, China: Structure, Setting and Distribution: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimitology, Palaeoecology, v. 144.
  9. Talu, H. S., and F. A. Abu-Ghabin, 1989, Depositional and diagenetic facies relationships, Khuff C Reservoir, Eastern Saudi Arabia: 1st Saudi Symposium on earth sciences, p. 85-108.
  10. Videtrich, Patricia E., 1994, Dolomitization and H2S Generation in the Permian Khuff Formation, Offshore Dubai, U.A.E., Carbonates and Evaporites, v. 9, no. 1, p. 42-57.
  11. Worden, R. H., P. C. Smalley, and M. M. Cross, 2002, The Influence of Rock Fabric and Mineralogy on Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction: Khuff Formation, Abu Dhabi (Abstract): Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 70.

General         Top

  1. Alsharhan, A.S. and .N. Bou Rabee, F.N., 2003, Reservoir Geology of Giant Permian Gas Fields in the Arabian Gulf Basin, American Association of Petroleoum Geologists, Annual Meeting, (Abstract), v. 12, p. A5
  2. Alsharhan, A. S., 2006, Sedimentological character and hydrocarbon parameters of the Middle Permian to Early Triassic Khuff Formation, United Arab Emirates: GeoArabia, v. 11, p. 121-158.

Paleontology         Top

  1. Angiolini, L., NICORA, A., BUCHER, H., BAUD, A., VACHARD, D., PLATEL, J.P., ROGER, J., BROUTIN, J., MARCOUX, J., PILLEVUIT, A., and HASMI, H.A., 1996, Late Permian fauna from the Khuff Formation,South Oman: Permophiles, v. 29, p. 62-64.
  2. Angiolini, L., A. Nicora, H. Bucher, D. Vachard, P. Pillevuit, J.-P., J. Roger, J. Broutin, H. Al Hasmi, and J. Marcoux, 1998, Evidence of a Guadaloupian age for the Khuff Formation of southeastern Oman: preliminary report: Rivista Paleontoligia e Stratigrafia, v. 104, p. 329-340.
  3. Berthelin, Martine, Jean Broutin, H. Kerp, S. Crasquin-Soleau, J.P. Platel, and J. Roger, in press, The Oman Gharif mixed paleoflora: a useful tool for testing Permian Pangea reconstructions. Pal. Pal. Pal.
  4. Bronnimann, P., and Zaninetti, L., 1972, On the occurrence of the serpulid Spirorbis Daudin, 1800 (Annelida, Polychaetia sedentarida) in thin sections of Triassic rocks of Europe and Iran: Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, vol. 78, no. 1, p. 67-90.
  5. Broutin, J., J. Roger, J. P. Platel, L. Angiolini, A. Baud, H. Bucher, J. Marroux, and H. Al Hasmi, 1995, The Permian Pangea. Phytogeographic implications of new paleontological discoveries in Oman (Arabian peninsula): C.R.Acad. Sci. Paris, v. 321, ser.IIa, p. 1069-1096.
  6. CRASQUIN-SOLEAU, S., BROUTIN, J., ROGER, J., PLATEL, J.P., HASHMI, H.A., ANGIOLINI, L., BAUD, A., BUCHER, H., and MARCOUX, J., 1999, First Permian ostracode fauna from the Arabian Plate (Khuff Formation, Sultanate of Oman): Micropaleontology, v. 45, p. 162-182.
  7. Crasquin-Soleau, Sylvie, Jean Broutin, Jean Besse, and Martine Berthelin. 2001, Ostracodes and paleobotany from the Middle Permian of Oman: implications on Pangea reconstruction. Terra-Nova, v. 13, no. 1, p. 38-43.
  8. El-Khayel, A. A., and R. H. Wagner, 1983, Upper Permian stratigraphy and megafloras of Saudi Arabia: palaeogeographic and climatic implications: . C.R.X. Congress International Strat. Geol. Carbonifere, p. 17-26.
  9. Fluteau, F., J. Besse, Jean Broutin, and G. Ramstein, 2001, What can be inferred from climate modelling concerning Pangeas scenario and hercynian ranges altitude. Paleogeogr. Paleoclim. Paleoecol, v. 167, no. 1-2, p. 39-71.
  10. Fluteau, Frédéric, Jean Besse, Jean Broutin, and Martine Berthelin, 2001, Extension of Cathaysian flora during the Permian. Climatic and Paleogeographic constraints. Earth and Planetary Science Letter, v. 193, p. 603-616.
  11. Hill, C. R., and A. A. El-Khayel, 1983, Late Permian plants including charophytes from the Khuff Formation of Saudi Arabia: Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Geol.), v. 37, p. 105-112.
  12. Hudson, R.G.S., and Sudbury, M., 1959, Permian Brachiopoda from southeast Arabia: Notes et Mémoires sur le Moyen-Orient, Museum dHistoire Naturelle, Paris, vol. 7, p. 19-55.
  13. Hughes, G.W., R.D. Adams, and F.O. Meyer, 2003, Influence of Micropalaeontologically Determined Antecedent Topography on Reservoir Quality in Saudi Arabian Carbonates: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting (Abstract), v. X , pX .
  14. Hughes, G. W., and R. Kamal, 2000, Recognition of Cryptic, High-Frequency Depositional Cycles Within the Khuff-C Carbonates in the Subsurface of South-Central Saudi Arabia: GeoArabia, v. 5, p. 110.
  15. Kalantari, A., 1982, Microbiostratigraphy of Paleozoic through Jurassic sediments of Ahmadi Anticline, southwest Iran: Revista Espagnola de Micropaleontologica, v. 14, p. 263-290.
  16. Vaslet, D., and Fauconnier, D., 1982, Palynologic study of three wells in the Permian and Triassic of the sedimentary cover of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Deputy Ministry for Mineral Resources, Jeddah, Open-File Report BRGM-OF-02-20, 19 p., 4 fig., 1 app.

Stratigraphy         Top

  1. Al-Dakhil, R., Al-Eid, G., Al-Tawil,A., Davis, R. and Rawasia, S., 2004, High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of Permo-Triassic Khuff Carbonate Reservoirs, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia – A Field-Scale Characterization Study, (Abstract), American Association of Petroleoum Geologists, Annual Meeting, v. , p
  2. Al-Dakhil, R., Al-Eid, G., Al-Tawil,A., Davis, R. and Rawasia, S., 2004, Using high-resolution sequence stratigraphy for field-scale characterization of Permo-Triassic Khuff carbonate reservoirs, Ghawar field, Saudi Arabia:(Abstract) GOE2004.
  3. Al-Dakhil, R., Al-Eid, G., Al-Tawil,A., Davis, R. and Rawasia, S., 2003, Integration of Core and Wire-Line Logs to Generate a High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Permo-Triasic Khuff A, B, and C Carbonate Reservoirs, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia, (Abstract), American Association of Petroleoum Geologists, Annual Meeting, v. 12, p. A3
  4. Al-Eid, G., Al-Dakhil, R., Davis, R., Al-Tawil,A. and Rawasia, S., 2003, Controls on Distal-to-Proximal Facies Variability Within a Eustatically Driven, High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Khuff C Carbonate Succession, Southern Ghawar, Saudi Arabia, (Abstract), American Association of Petroleoum Geologists, Annual Meeting, v. 12, p. A3
  5. Al-Husseini, Moujahed, ed., 2001, Late Carboniferous-Early Triassic Arabian Plate Stratigraphy, GeoArabia Special Publication 3.
  6. Al-Jallal, I. A., 1989, Depositional environments, diagenesis and reservoir characteristics of the Permian Khuff Formation in Eastern Saudi Arabia: Ph.D. thesis, University of London, London, 378 p.
  7. Al-Jallal, I.A., 1991, Depositional environments, lithofacies types, and reservoir development of the Permian Khuff Formation in Eastern Saudi Arabia: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, vol. 75, no. 8, p. 1401 (abstract).
  8. Al-Jallal, I. A., 1995, The Khuff Formation: its regional reservoir potential in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries, depositional and stratigraphic approach.: GEO 94, Middle East Petroleum Geosciences, p. 103-119.
  9. Al-Raimi, S., and R. Kamal, 2000, A New Layering Scheme for the Khuff-B Depositional Cycle in the Subsurface of Eastern Saudi Arabia (Abstract): GeoArabia, v. 5, p. 34.
  10. Alsharhan, A.S. and .N. Bou Rabee, F.N., 2003, Reservoir Geology of Giant Permian Gas Fields in the Arabian Gulf Basin, American Association of Petroleoum Geologists, Annual Meeting, (Abstract), v. 12, p. A5
  11. Alsharhan, A. S., and A. E. M. Nairn, 1994, The late Permian carbonates (Khuff Formation) in the western Arabian Gulf: its hydrocarbon parameters and paleogeographic aspects: Carbonates and Evaporites, v. 9, p. 132-142.
  12. ARAMCO, 1955, Geology of the Dhruma, Khuff and southern Riyadh quadrangles in central Najd, Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Directorate General of Mineral Resources, Jeddah, Open-File Report no. OF-469, 53 p., 1 app., 2 maps.
  13. Banerji, J., Lemoigne, Y., Le Nindre, Y.M., Manivit, J., and Vaslet, D., 1987, Occurrence of typical Mesozoic plant remains in the Late Permian Midhnab Member of the Khuff Formation at Khashm Khartam, Qasim province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Directorate General of Mineral Resources, Jiddah, Open-File Report BRGM-OF-07-32, 18 p., 3 fig., 2 pl.
  14. BAUD, A., ATUDOREI, V.N., and MARCOUX, J., 1999, The Permian-Triassic boundary interval (PTBI) in Oman : Carbon isotope and facies changes, in Yin, H., and Ton, J., eds., International Conference on Pangea and the Paleozoic-Mesozoic Transition: Wuhan (China), China University of Geosciences Press, abstract book, p. 88-89.
  15. Billing, I.M., Vaslet, D., Le Nindre, Y., Abushait, A., Dakhil, R., Kamal, R., Tawil, A., Ytreland, G., and Gray, A, 2004, The interpretive stratigraphy of a regional traverse dip section from the Khuff outcrop belt in central Saudi Arabia to Al-Jawb in Eastern Saudi Arabia: (Abstract) Geo 2004, Bahrain, Gulf Petrolink.
  16. Blendinger, W., 1988, Permian to Jurassic Deep Water Sediments of the Eastern Oman Mountains, Their Significance for the Evolution of Arabian Margin of the South Tethys, in A. H. R. Robertson, M. P. Searl, and A. C. Reis, eds., The Geology and Tectonics of the Pman Region, p. 350.
  17. Dasqupta, S., M.-R. Hong, and M. Al-Nasser, 2000, Reduced Drilling Risk by Accurate Characterization of the Khuff-C Reservoir in the Ghawar Field: GeoArabia, v. 5, p. 78.
  18. Delfour, J., R. Dhellemmes, P. Elsass, D. Vaslet, J.-M. Brosse, Y.-M. Le Nindre and O. Dottin Explanatory notes to the geologic map of the Ad Dawadimi Quadrangle, Sheet 24G, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources,
  19. Demaison, G., T. F. Pedersen, and S. E. Calvert, 1991, Anoxia vs. productivity: what controls the formation of organic-carbon-rich sediments and sedimentary rocks?: Discussion and reply: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, p. 499-501.
  20. Dickins, J.M., 1985, Paleobiofacies and paleobiogeography of Gondwanaland from Permian to Triassic: in The Tethys (Nakazawa, K., and Dickins, J.M., eds.), Tokai University Press, p. 83-92, 2 fig.
  21. Douban, A. F., G. Al-Sahlan, and J. P. G. Fenton, 2001, Sequence Stratigraphic Distribution and Biostratigraphic Zonation of the Permo-Triassic Section in Kuwait: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 85.
  22. Ehrenberg, S.N., Nadeau, P.H., and Aqrawi, A.A.M., 2005, A regional comparison of Khuff and Arab reservoir potential throughout the Middle East (Extended Abstract): International Petroleum Technology Conference.
  23. Ehrenberg, S.N., Nadeau, P.H., and Aqrawi, A.A.M., 2005, A regional comparison of Khuff and Arab reservoir potential throughout the Middle East: International Petroleum Technology Conference. (Abstract)
  24. Hughes, G.W., Adams, R.D., and Meyer, F.O., 2003, Influence of Micropalaeontologically Determined Antecedent Topography on Reservoir Quality in Saudi Arabian Carbonates: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, (Abstract) v. 12, p A82.
  25. Ibrahim, M.W., 1982, Lithofacies distribution of the Permian-Triassic rocks in the Middle East; a discussion: Journal of Petroleum Geology, vol. 5, p. 97-99.
  26. Insalaco, Enzo, Balinire, Catherine, Brousse, Roger, Fraisse, Christian, Gomez, Jean-Paul, Masse, Pierre, and Walgenwitz, Fred A. Zric, 2004, The Khuff (Dalan/Kangan) Formation: from regional models to reservoir simulations:(Abstract) Geo 2004, Bahrain, Gulf Petrolink.
  27. Johnson, K. W., C. G. Kendall, and I. A. Al-Jallal, 1998, Sequence Stratigraphy and Computer Simulation of the Khuff Formation (Late Permian-Early Triassic), Saudi Arabia and Other Gulf Countries (Abstract): GeoArabia, v. 3, p. 106.
  28. Kamal, Rami, Billing, I.M., Abushait, Abduljaleel, Vaslet, Denis, Le Nindre, Yves, Strohmenger, Christian J., Al-Mansoori, Abdulla, and Demaree, Randy, 2004, The Permo-Triassic section at Wadi Bih and Wadi Hagil in Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates: (Abstract) Geo 2004, Bahrain, Gulf Petrolink.
  29. Kamal, R. A., and G. W. Hughes, 1996, A New Stratigraphic Model for the Khuff Formation in the Sub-surface of Central and Eastern Arabia: Implications for Reservoir Geology (Abstract): GeoArabia, v. 1, p. 154.
  30. Kashfi, M.S., 2000, Greater Persian Gulf Permian-Triassic stratigraphic nomenclature requires study. Oil and Gas Journal, Tulsa, Nov 6, p. 36, 38, 40, 42, & 44.
  31. Kellogg, K.S., D. Janjou, L. Minoux and J. Fourniquet 1985. Explanatory notes to the geologic map of the Wadi Tathlith Quadrangle, Sheet 20G, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources,
  32. Khan, A., 1989, Stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of Permo-Triassic sequences of Rocks in the State of Kuwait: OAPEC Seminar on Hydrocarbon Potential of Deep Rocks in the State of Kuwait, p. 3-29.
  33. Le Nindre, Y.M., 1987, Permien supérieur, Trias, Jurassique: Sédimentologie: in Histoire géologique de la bordure occidentale de la plate-forme arabe du Paléozoïque inférieur au Jurassique superiéur (Le Nindre, Y.M., Manivit, J., and Vaslet, D., authors), D.Sc. thesis, University of Paris VI, vol. 3, 327 p., 69 fig., 23 pl., 1 app. (21 pl.)
  34. Le Nindre, Y.M., Manivit, J., and Vaslet, D., 1987, Position de lArabie dans la Paléogéographie du Moyen-Orient, du Permien au Jurassique supérieur: in Histoire géologique de la bordure occidentale de la plate-forme arabe du Paléozoïque inférieur au Jurassique supérieur, D.Sc. thesis, University of Paris VI, France, vol. 4, 111 p., 17 fig., 2 table, 2 app
  35. Le Nindre, Y.M., Manivit, J., and Vaslet, D., 1990, Histoire géologique de la bordure occidentale de la plate-forme arabe, vol. 2: Géodynamique et paléogéographie de la plate-forme arabe du Permien au Jurassique: Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, Document no. 192, 278 p., 54 fig., 4 table, 4 app.
  36. Le Nindre, Y. M., D. Vaslet, and J. Manivit, 1993, Le Permo-Trias dArabie Centrale. Histoire geologique de la bordure occidentale de la plate-forme Arabe, v. Document 193, Editions du Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Mineres, 290 p.
  37. Loutfi, G., and A. Abu Hamd, 1989, Permian Khuff in Abu Dhabi: Geologic Re-evaluation Using Well Logs, Cores, Testing and Seismic Data: 6th Middle East Oil Show, p. 529-543.
  38. Manivit, J., Vaslet, D., Le Nindre, Y.M., and Vaillant, F.X., 1983, Stratigraphic drill-hole SHD 1 through the lower part of the Jilh Formation, Sudair Shale and Khuff Formation in the Durma quadrangle (sheet 24H): Saudi Arabian Deputy Ministry for Mineral Resources, Jiddah, Open-File Report BRGM-OF-03-50, 34 p., 2 fig., 1 table, 3 app
  39. Manivit, J., D. Vaslet, A. Berthiaux, P. Le Strat and J. Fourniquet 1987. Explanatory notes to the geologic map of the Buraydah Quadrangle, Sheet 26C, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources,
  40. Manivit, J., C.Pelaton, D. Vaslet, Y.-M. le Nindre, J.-M. Brosse, J.-P. Breton and J. Fourniquet, 1985.. Explanatory notes to the geologic map of the Darma Quadrangle, Sheet 24H, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources.
  41. McClure, H.A., Hussey, E., and Kaill, I., 1988, Permian-Carboniferous glacial deposits in southern Saudi Arabia: Geologisches Jahrbuch, vol. B 68, p. 3-31, 1 fig., 10 pl.
  42. Meyer, F.O. and Hughes, G.W., 2003, Applied High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy for Khuff Reservoir Characterization, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia with Regional Chronostratigraphic Implications: (Abstract) CRC pub
  43. Meyer, F.O. and Hughes, G.W., in prep, Applied high resolution sequence stratigraphy for Khuff reservoir characterization, Ghawar field, Saudi Arabia with regional chronostratigraphic implications: GeoArabia, v. ,p.
  44. Meyer, F.O. and Hughes, G.W., 2003, Applied High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy for Khuff Reservoir Characterization, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia with Regional Chronostratigraphic Implications (Abstract): CRC pub.
  45. Meyer, F. O., G. W. Hughes, 2002, Applied High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in Defining Khuff Reservoir Facies Partitioning, Uthmaniyah Area Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting (Abstract), p A121.
  46. Nakazawa, K., 1985, The Permian and Triassic systems in the Tethys; their paleogeography: in The Tethys (Nakazawa, K., and Dickins, J.M., eds.), Tokai University Press, p. 93-111, 3 fig.
  47. Powers, R.W., L.F. Ramirez, C.D. Redmond and E.L. Elberg 1968. Geology of the Arabian Peninsula, Geological Survey Professional Paper 560-D, 147p.
  48. Sharief, F.A., 1980, Lithofacies analysis of the Permian-Triassic rocks across the Middle East. A major clue to the development of the Tethyan trough: 26th International Geological Congress, Paris, Abstracts, vol. 1, sect. 4, p. 286.
  49. Sharief, F.A., 1982a, Lithofacies distribution of the Permian-Triassic rocks in the Middle East: Journal of Petroleum Geology, vol. 4, no. 3, p. 299-310, 5 fig., 2 tabl.
  50. Sharief, F.A., 1982b, Lithofacies distribution of the Permian-Triassic rocks in the Middle East: A reply: Journal of Petroleum Geology, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 203-206.Sharief, F.A., 1983, Permian and Triassic geological history and tectonics of the Middle East: Journal of Petroleum Geology, vol. 6, ser. 1, p. 95-102, 4 fig., 1 tabl.
  51. Sharland, P., R. Archer, D. Casey, R. Davies, S. Hall, A. Heward, A. Horbury, and M. Simmons, 2000, A proposed sequence stratigraphy for the Phanerozoic succession of the Arabian Plate: Mesozoic and Cenozoic sequences: GeoArabia, v. 5, p. 181.
  52. Sharland, P., R. Archer, D. Casey, R. Davies, S. Hall, A. Heward, A. Horbury, and M. Simmons, 2001, A proposed sequence stratigraphy for the Phanerozoic succession of the Arabian Plate: Mesozoic and Cenozoic sequences, v. Special Publication No. 2: Bahrain, GeoArabia, 371 p.
  53. Simmons, M., R. Archer, D. Casey, R. Davies, S. Hall, A. Heward, A. Horbury, and P. Sharland, 2000, A proposed sequence stratigraphy for the Phanerozoic succession of the Arabian Plate: the key role of biostratigraphy: GeoArabia, v. 5, p. 181.
  54. Strohmenger, C., H. Mueller, P. Wagner, D. Yurewicz, D. Cassiani, S. Ferguson, and A. Ebaid, 2000, Sequence Stratigraphy of the Khuff Formation: Emphasis on the Exploration Potential in Kuwait (Abstract): GeoArabia, v. 5, p. 183.
  55. Szabo, F., and A. Kheradpir, 1978, Permian and Triassic stratigraphy, Zargos basin, south-west Iran: Journal of Petroleum Geology, v. 1, p. 57-82.
  56. Taraz, H., 1971, Uppermost Permian and Permo-Triassic Transition Beds in Central Iran: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 55, p. 1280-1294.
  57. Virgone, A. l., P. Lapointe, E. Marro, G. Camoin, F. A. Ghaemi, and A. Khalili, 2000, The Permian-Triassic Boundary: an Example from the South Pars Field, Iran: GeoArabia, v. 5, p. 192.

Structure         Top

  1. Al-Kadhi, A., 1986, Structural and geomorphic evidence relevant to the neotectonic history of Central Arabia: Journal of College Science, v. 17, p. 101-125.
  2. Al-Kadhi, A., and P. L. Hancock, 1980, Structure of the Darma`-Nisah segment of the Central Arabian graben system: Ph.D. thesis, University of London, London, 317 p.
  3. Baud, A., Marcoux, J., and Stampfli, G., 1990, Evolution of the Oman margin from rifting to passive margin stage (Permian to Early Mesozoic): Symposium on Ophiolite Genesis and Evolution of Oceanic Lithosphere, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Abstracts, OM3-1, paper no. 1, 1 p.
  4. Faqira, Mohammad I., Al-Zahrani, Murdy M., Rico, James L., Shokair,, Khalid M. , Zinger, Michael A., Al-Talhah, Nezar A. , Stone, William B., 2004, Structural growth control of the Khuff exploration play in eastern Saudi Arabia: (Abstract) Geo 2004, Bahrain, Gulf Petrolink.

Reservoir Characterization         Top

  1. Azzam, I.N., and Meyer, A., 2004, Sedimentological and rock-typing definition of the Khuff Formation of an offshore Abu Dhabi field:(Abstract) Bahrain, Gulf Petrolink. GeoArabia.
  2. Bagliniere, Catherine, 2003, A Khuff Reservoir Giant Field 3D Geological Model Integrating an Uncertainty Approach, American Association of Petroleoum Geologists, Annual Meeting (Abstract), 12, p. A8
  3. Clerke, Edward A, 2004, Log responses, anhydrite detection and reservoir property implications in the anhydritic carbonate of the Khuff Formation: (Abstract) Geo 2004, Bahrain, Gulf Petrolink.
  4. Dasgupta, S.N. and M-R. Hong, 1999, Drilling-risk reduction by qccurate characterization of Prmian Khuff-C reservoir in Ghawar field, in Dynamic Reservoir Characterization and Seismically Constrained Production Optimization. Soceity of Exploration Geophysics Research Workshop Proceedings, p. 21-25.
  5. Dasgupta, S.N., M-R. Hong, and I.A. Al-Jallal, 2002, Accurate reservoir characterization to reduce drilling risk in Khuff-C carbonate, Ghawar field, Saudi Arabia: GeoArabia, v. 7, p. 81-100.
  6. Janahi, Layla A., and Al-Madani, Adel A., 2004, Fractures identification and their contribution to production in khuff-3 Reservoir - a tight deep gas dolomite - in the Bahrain field: (Abstract) Geo 2004, Bahrain, Gulf Petrolink.



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