Address:: 8545 Eagle Cliff Rd, Conifer CO 80433 USA
Phone: (303)-882 5761
Research Forum on the Permo-Triassic Khuff, Dalan, and Chia Zairi Formations
The forum objective is to provide a central area for researchers to post current research results or questions and electronically access publications on the Khuff Formation and its chronostratigraphic equivalents. Topics currently covered include Anhydrite Fabrics, Depositional Models, Outcrop Data, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Unconformities and some us government essay topics. You can also see the most recent Abstracts and publications on the Khuff here.
Submitt contributions or suggestions .
Panorama of Khuff Formation onlapping clastics above weathered crystalline basement, central Saudi Arabia (For enlarged view click here)