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Publications — Shell Oil Reports
Shell Oil Reports are not available from CRC

Unpublished Shell Oil Company Reports    

  1. Meyer, F. O., 1981a, Dolomitization of Smackover carbonates: EOJET.
  2. Meyer, F. O., 1981b, The origin of Smackover dolomite in Carter Bloxom Field, East Texas, New Orleans, Shell Oil Company.
  3. Meyer, F. O., 1982, Contributions to the Knowles Limestone: Trend definition in E. Texas and Paleogeographic setting, New Orleans, Shell Oil Company.
  4. Meyer, F. O., 1983a, Basic Carbonates, Houston, Shell Oil Company.
  5. Meyer, F. O., 1983b, Contributions to the Knowles limestone: A model for prograding deltaic and beach ridge clastic sequences in the Knowles, E. Texas, New Orleans, Shell Oil Company.
  6. Meyer, F. O., 1983c, Contributions to the Knowles Limestone: Inner shelf lithofacies from E. Texas, New Orleans, Shell Oil Company.
  7. Meyer, F. O., 1983d, Contributions to the Knowles Limestone: Outer shelf lithofacies from R. Texas, New Orleans, Shell Oil Company.
  8. Meyer, F. O., 1983e, Contributions to the Knowles Limestone: Shelf margin-basin lithofacies from E. Texas, New Orleans, Shell Oil company.
  9. Meyer, F. O., 1985, Applied Sedimentary Petrography, Houston, Shell Oil Company.
  10. Meyer, F. O., 1986, A compendium of calcium sulfate diagenesis, Houston, Shell Oil Company, p. 38.
  11. Meyer, F. O., 1987, Applied sedimentary petrography field guidebook: selected depositional facies from the Llano Uplift and its Cretaceous Rim, Houston, Shell Oil Company.
  12. Meyer, F. O., 1988, Basic Exploration Stratigraphy, Houston, Shell Oil Company.
  13. Meyer, F. O., 1989, Carbonate Diagenesis, Houston, Shell Oil Company, p. 107.
  14. Meyer, F. O., 1990, Paleozoic carbonates, West Texas and New Mexico, Houston, Shell Oil Company, p. 204.
  15. Meyer, F. O., 1991, Saddle dolomite cement in Ellenburger paleokarst breccia, Llano Uplift, Texas: SWEPI Report.
  16. Meyer, F. O., and J.H. Barwis, 1987a, Carbonate - Clastic transitions: Belize Field Seminar, Houston, Shell Oil Company.
  17. Meyer, F. O., and J.H. Barwis, 1987b, Exploration Stratigraphy, Houston, Shell Oil company.
  18. Meyer, F. O., and D. L. Lawrence, 1988, Carbonate - Clastic transitions: Belize Field Seminar, Houston, Shell Oil Company.

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