Shell Oil Reports are not available from CRC
Unpublished Shell Oil Company Reports
- Meyer, F. O., 1981a, Dolomitization of Smackover carbonates: EOJET.
- Meyer, F. O., 1981b, The origin of Smackover dolomite in Carter Bloxom Field, East Texas, New Orleans, Shell Oil Company.
- Meyer, F. O., 1982, Contributions to the Knowles Limestone: Trend definition in E. Texas and Paleogeographic setting, New Orleans, Shell Oil Company.
- Meyer, F. O., 1983a, Basic Carbonates, Houston, Shell Oil Company.
- Meyer, F. O., 1983b, Contributions to the Knowles limestone: A model for prograding deltaic and beach ridge clastic sequences in the Knowles, E. Texas, New Orleans, Shell Oil Company.
- Meyer, F. O., 1983c, Contributions to the Knowles Limestone: Inner shelf lithofacies from E. Texas, New Orleans, Shell Oil Company.
- Meyer, F. O., 1983d, Contributions to the Knowles Limestone: Outer shelf lithofacies from R. Texas, New Orleans, Shell Oil Company.
- Meyer, F. O., 1983e, Contributions to the Knowles Limestone: Shelf margin-basin lithofacies from E. Texas, New Orleans, Shell Oil company.
- Meyer, F. O., 1985, Applied Sedimentary Petrography, Houston, Shell Oil Company.
- Meyer, F. O., 1986, A compendium of calcium sulfate diagenesis, Houston, Shell Oil Company, p. 38.
- Meyer, F. O., 1987, Applied sedimentary petrography field guidebook: selected depositional facies from the Llano Uplift and its Cretaceous Rim, Houston, Shell Oil Company.
- Meyer, F. O., 1988, Basic Exploration Stratigraphy, Houston, Shell Oil Company.
- Meyer, F. O., 1989, Carbonate Diagenesis, Houston, Shell Oil Company, p. 107.
- Meyer, F. O., 1990, Paleozoic carbonates, West Texas and New Mexico, Houston, Shell Oil Company, p. 204.
- Meyer, F. O., 1991, Saddle dolomite cement in Ellenburger paleokarst breccia, Llano Uplift, Texas: SWEPI Report.
- Meyer, F. O., and J.H. Barwis, 1987a, Carbonate - Clastic transitions: Belize Field Seminar, Houston, Shell Oil Company.
- Meyer, F. O., and J.H. Barwis, 1987b, Exploration Stratigraphy, Houston, Shell Oil company.
Meyer, F. O., and D. L. Lawrence, 1988, Carbonate - Clastic transitions: Belize Field Seminar, Houston, Shell Oil Company.