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Khuff, Dalan, and Chia Zairi Formation Forum - Outcrop Data

Khuff Outcrop Data

Some of the most significant insights into the stratigraphy of Khuff reservoirs comes from examinng the Khuff Formation in Saudi arabia's outcrop belt. Particularly instructive are uncoformities, later facies relationships, and bedforms.

Modified from composite stratigraphic log of the Khuff Formation presented by Al-Aswald (1997) with members proposed by Delfour (1982). Al-Aswald drew his section up from the more clastic-rich Khuff Formation in the southern end of the outcrop belt. The Khartam Member is dominantly an interbedded carbonate around the Unayzah ad Qusaybah area.

Outcrop Photograph (F.O. Meyer, 2000) showing the uncoformity between theKartum and Midnab Members of the Khuff Formation, Saudi Arabia. Note well preserved caliche profile and iorn stained top of Midnab member.

Outcrop photograph (F.O. Meyer, 2000) showing stromatolite head near the base of the Kartum member of the Khuff Formation, Saudi Arabia. Most stromatolites observed in outcrop have the growth habit shown above, a feature that would be difficult to distinguish in core from laminar crypt algal mats.

Outcrop Photograph (F.O. Meyer, 2000) showing the erosional truncation within the Kartum Members of the Khuff Formation, Saudi Arabia

Outcrop photograph (F.O. Meyer, 2000) showing channel development in the Khuff Formation, Tarasiyah, Saudi Arabia. Dashed line traces base of channel. Note person for scale.

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  Site design June 2001. Updated January 2004, January 2005 - F.O. Meyer