Address:: 8545 Eagle Cliff Rd, Conifer CO 80433 USA Phone: (303)-697-8538

Franz O. Meyer, Ph.D.

With over 30 years industry and 10 years academic experience, Franz Meyer, guides the carbonate research and consulting program at CRC.

As a scientist and teacher Franz Meyer has gained considerable recognition for his consistently creative or “out of the box thinking” that is both original and appropriate. Creative contributions distinguish his lengthy professional career both as a trainer and consultant for the oil industry. The need for relevant training in the industry training led him to conceive of and design novel geologic field trips that applied all business and scientific investigation aspects in the development of exploration play concepts as part of a training exercise. More currently he developed new ideas about the subsurface geology of the Middle East by discarding preconceived assumptions about the stratigraphy of anhydrite. The new approach has proven to be consistent with other data sets but to others clinging to old ideas still seems unthinkable. Most recently Franz applied his creativity once again to gain insight into the mostly unexplored Rub al Khali (Empty Quarter) of Saudi Arabia. This has led to the recognition of new play concepts and helped others understand what they were seeing seismically

"the important thing is to never stop asking questions"


Reservoir Characterization, Sequence Stratigraphy, Carbonate Sedimentology, and Petrography, Paleoecology, Training
1979   The Univ. of Michigan, Ph.D., in Geology
1976   The Univ. of Michigan, M.Sc., in Geology

1973   SUNY College at New Paltz, BS, in Geology
1970   SUNY College at Oswego
1969   Hudson Valley Community College
English, German
Computer Skills
Canvas, Photoshop,Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Deltagraph, Dreamweaver


Australia (Canning Basin), Brazil, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, United States (Baltimore Canyon, Big Horn Basin, Gulf Coast, Michigan Basin, Permain Basin, Wiliston Basin)

2001-present  Carbonate Research Consulting
1991-2001 Saudi Aramco
1984-1991  Shell Development Co. 
1979-1984 Shell Oil Co 
1973-1979 The University of Michigan
1972-1973 New York State Museum


Founder and Senior Consultant on Carbonates for domestic and international projects and training:

Developed depositional model, high resolution sequence stratigraphic framework, paragenetic sequence, diagenetic models and reservoir rock fabric scheme for Thamama. Multi-disciplinary sequence stratigraphic analysis for Khuff with integration of geologic, petrophysical, paleontological, and geochemical (stable isotope) data., Sequence stratigraphy and depositional environmental analysis of Khuff, Cutting analysis Arbuckle. Core analysis of evaporite facies and depositional model for middle Khuff anhydrite, E. Texas prospect evaluation and seismic mapping, Selmo field core-based depositional facies model, diagenetic analysis, petrophysical integration, Core analysis and gelogic modeling of Phosphoria Formaiton, Wyoming, Petrographic and sequence analysis Mauddud in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Clients: Aramco, ADNOC, Core Lab U.A.E, Energy Services Group, Fidelity Exploration and Production, International Reervoir Technology, Meuller Exploration, Inc., Petroleum Exporation Mediterranean Inc, Piece, Sawtooth, Inc., Shell Oil Co , Stratoil

1991-2001          SAUDI ARAMCO, SAUDI ARABIA

Geologic Consultant on Carbonates.
Developed sequence stratigraphic, depositional, and reservoir characterization models for Jurassic (Arab-D, Fadhili, Hanifa) and Paleozoic (Khuff, Jauf) carbonate fields. Conducted outcrop analog studies on the Jurassic, Permian and Devonian carbonates of Saudi Arabia. Instructor responsible for professional training in depositional environments, applied sedimentary petrography and hydrocarbon detection and evaluation.
Mentor in Aramcos Training and development program.
Recipient of Saudi Aramco best geologic paper award in 2000 for "
Stratigraphic and petrophysical characteristics of cored Arab-D super-k intervals, Hawiyah Area, Ghawar field, Saudi Arabia: GeoArabia, v. 5, p. 365-394"


Senior Geologist.
Consultant to Vice President of Exploration on all domestic and international carbonate plays.
Headed up Shell's renowned carbonate training program. Developed and presented carbonate courses to geologic, geophysical and engineering professional staff on, sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, applied sedimentary petrography, and diagenesis. Developed excellence in working field seminars on modern carbonates to Florida and Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Belize, and ancient carbonates to Permian of Guadeloupe Mountains, W. Texas and N. Mexico; Pennsylvanian of Sacramento Mountains, Cretaceous of Central Texas.
Conducted geophysical and sedimentological research on the development of subsurface carbonate platforms in Baltimore Canyon, and Williston Basin. Conducted sedimentologic and stratigraphic research on the reef development and mixed-clastic to carbonate transition in Belize. Developed saddle dolomitization model for the Ellenburger Formation, West Texas. Generated depositional models for the Mission Canyon, Williston Basin.
Recipient of numerous excellence in teaching awards.

1979-1984          SHELL OIL CO., NEW ORLEANS, USA

Exploration Geologist.
Characterized the facies architecture and developed play concepts in Knowls limestone, E. Texas. Developed dolomitization model for the Smackover Formation, E. Texas.
Consulted on carbonate stratigraphic and diamagnetic problems for Shell Offshore Company.


Teaching and Research Assistant.
Presented course on organic evolution and conducted lab sessions for introductory geology and sedimentology classes. Teaching assistant for introductory field geology course. Provided analytical support for research on blastoids.
Runner up for best student paper award for "
Spatial competition in Devonian bioherms of Michigan: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 10, p. 278"       

 1972-1973          NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM , USA

Paleontologic Assistant.
Organized 3000 drawers of Paleozoic fossil study collection and 1000 drawer fossil type collection. Field assistant in procuring fossils for the New York State Museum.

  © 2001-2005 Carbonate Research Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.
  Site design June 2001. Updated January 2004, January 2005 - F.O. Meyer